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Despina A.

Community Yoga Instructor

Despina grew up in Chicago and is the daughter and granddaughter of Chicago Public School Teachers. Over the last 8 years, Despina has lived in 4 states and served over 800 students as a high school teacher in public schools. 

As a Teach for America alumna, Despina received her Masters degree from the University of Miami in Education and Social Change with a focus on public policy. Her passion for educational equity and social justice fuels her work with WOKE Chicago.

Despina found yoga through her struggle with anxiety; it was her daily practice that truly helped her recover. In 2018, she moved to Koh Samui, Thailand and completed her 200hr yoga certification. Her focus on the connection between movement and breathe is the route of her practice, and she aims to share the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga with each and every one of her students. 

A resident of the Humboldt Park neighborhood, you can find Despina reading in the park, at yoga Sundays,  or walking her bulldog, Meatball. 

Despina A.


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​Tax Information: Woke Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Woke Chicago are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Woke Chicago's tax identification number is 85-1464947.


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Here to Be supports non-profit organizations and registered charities committed to well-being by creating inclusive access to movement, mindfulness, and connection, and strengthening their respective communities. Woke Chicago is proud to be a Here to Be grant recipient for 2023. 

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